We are back with more reasons to protect your home with waterproofing. This includes both the exterior of your house and the interior.
The following consequences are not things anyone may directly link to a lack of waterproofing or water seepage, but are just as important to prevent.
Please take some time to read about them and know that they are not exaggerations or hyperbole.
Headache #1: Insects
Besides mould and bacteria, dampness and humidity tends to attract insects too. Not only will the insects be a nuisance and a hygenic/health concern, they will eventually make your home their home too. And then multiply, leading to an entirely different issue that could have been avoided in the first place with proper waterproofing in place.
Headache #2: Damage to Electronics
Imagine this: It’s the weekend and you have invited family over for dinner and a movie. Halfway through the meal, just as the plot starts to thicken, there’s a black out. What happened? Short circuits happen for various reasons, and water leakage is one of them. Fortunately, no one was hurt in this scenario.. but can you imagine the cost required if the device needed to be replaced?
Headache #3: Painting Again and Again…
Paint is not cheap and applying it to the walls very few months can be time consuming. Moisture will also render any paint job temporary, since it will never dry properly; the cycle of having to paint starts all over.
Headache#4: Respiratory diseases
The lack of or poor waterproofing can also cause respiratory diseases. It begins with various factors such as breathing in allergens from mold, algae and other elements in the air. These lead to loved ones being more susceptible to colds, asthma and bronchial infections, which will be more damaging in the long term.
Hiring a professional waterproof contractor or waterproof specialist in Singapore to inspect and provide the best solution for waterproofing your home is an investment that will guarantee the job is a job well done; Let us help you protect your household and workplace. We are experienced in waterproofing needs for homes and industrial and commericial buildings in Singapore, and are always ready to help in preventing, if not fixing your water leakage issues or water seepage issues. Our waterproofing solutions include pu injection, pu grouting, water leakage detection, concrete repair, spalling concrete, external wall repair, pitch roof waterproofing, metal roof waterproofing, pu grouting (pressure grouting), RC roof acrylic (water membrane), RC roof torch on membrane, RC gutter waterproofing, rope access work, window resealant & glass panel facade waterproofing for window seepage or leakage.
If you require any service that wasn’t listed above, please feel free to call us and check.
Reach us at +65 6677 2233 or email us at [email protected] and we will respond within 24 hours.